Solar Shingles vs. Traditional Shingles

May 31, 2022

Solar Shingles vs. Traditional Shingles - Which One Is Better?

Hello there! Are you considering changing your old roof or building a new one? Have you ever thought about using solar shingles instead of traditional shingles? Well, there’s no doubt that solar shingles are the future, but are they really worth the investment? In this blog post, we’ll compare the two types of shingles and help you make an informed decision.

What are Solar Shingles?

Solar shingles, also known as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), are made of photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. Solar shingles are designed to blend in with traditional roofing materials such as asphalt shingles, slate, and tile.

What are Traditional Shingles?

On the other hand, traditional shingles are made of asphalt, which is a petroleum-based product. They are widely used in the construction industry because they are affordable, durable, and easy to install.


When it comes to cost, traditional shingles are usually cheaper than solar shingles. According to Home Advisor, the cost of asphalt shingles ranges from $3.50 to $5.50 per square foot, while the cost of solar shingles can be as high as $21 per square foot. However, it’s important to note that solar shingles will save you money in the long run, as they produce electricity that can be used to power your home and reduce your energy bills.


When it comes to efficiency, solar shingles are the clear winner. According to, a 3kW solar panel system can generate about 3,600 kWh/year in a sunny climate. This is enough to cover the electricity needs of an average American household. Additionally, solar shingles can last up to 25 years, while traditional shingles last only 12-20 years.

Environmental Impact

Solar shingles are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional shingles. They produce clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help combat climate change. On the other hand, traditional shingles contribute to the depletion of fossil fuels and the emission of harmful carbon dioxide.


Solar shingles are basically maintenance-free, as they don’t have any moving parts and require minimal upkeep. On the other hand, traditional shingles may require repairs and replacement over time.


In conclusion, solar shingles are more efficient, eco-friendly, and long-lasting than traditional shingles. However, they are also more expensive. If you’re planning to stay in your home for a long time and want to reduce your carbon footprint, solar shingles are the way to go. If you’re on a budget and planning to sell your home in the near future, traditional shingles may be a better option.

I hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.


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